When building with wood, it’s important to use a structural wood that can hold all the weight. C16 timber is graded to make sure it has a solid level of strength, which makes it perfect for use in building structures like frames and joists. In this guide, we’ll explain what C16 timber is, how it’s graded, and where it can be used. We’ll compare it to C24 wood, which is another popular type of building wood in the UK. We also recommend you buy c16 timbers from reputed sellers like Dunelm.
What are C16 Timbers?
C16 timber is any softwood that has been dried in a kiln and meets the other requirements for the C16 grade. C stands for softwood or coniferous. This number shows how strong the wood is and means that it can be used safely in building projects. Usually, if you want to buy carcassing wood in the UK or Europe, you can choose between C16 and C24 grades. C16 is the most common type of wood used in the UK. All C16 is dried in a kiln to make sure it has less than 20% water.
What’s the difference between C16 and C24 Timber?
C24 is a better grade of softwood for building. It is stronger and has a more consistent quality all the way through. Some C16 beams may have flaws or marks that are just for looks. But for most uses inside a building, they are strong enough to be used. When it might be better to use C24 wood instead, it would be for important load-bearing parts in larger or heavier buildings and in places where the wood will be seen, since C24 is likely to look a little bit better. In many cases, C16 will be fine and will save a lot of money when figuring out the total cost of a building project. C16 will probably be a better choice for things like floor joists, where the wood won’t be seen.
Is the wood in C16 treated?
C16 timber is always dried in a kiln to get rid of excess moisture, so it can’t be bought as “green” wood. But when it comes to treatment, C16 timber can be bought both treated and untreated. Treated wood can be used outside or in places where it will be exposed to the elements. It can stand up to rain and insects that would otherwise eat away at the wood. Some kinds of wood are treated with a fire retardant, which can also help a building in other ways. Even if you are using C16 timber on the inside, it is better to get treated wood. For example, it makes the wood last longer, so even internal parts like wall joists could benefit from being made from treated wood.
What kinds of Timber can be used outside
As you can see, the grading process for things like C16 and C24 is quite thorough. This makes sure that the piece of wood is of high quality. It doesn’t look at any kind of treatment for use outside, though. Whether the wood is graded or not, it needs to be treated before it can be used outside. When left out in the weather, wood that hasn’t been treated won’t last long. It might last about 5 years if you’re lucky, but it could start to break down much sooner.When wood isn’t treated, it is much more likely to get damaged by things like rot or even insects that burrow into wood, like woodworms. As the wood gets wetter, these kinds of problems are much more likely to happen. Pressure-treated wood, on the other hand, will last a lot longer.
Because chemicals were used to treat it, it doesn’t rot nearly as quickly. It is also safe from woodworm and other bugs that might try to eat it. Again, this is because the chemicals are poisonous to insects that dig holes in wood. They won’t eat it because of this. Treated wood can last outside for 15 to 20 years, or even longer if it is well taken care of.Pressure-treated wood is very common, and most of the time it doesn’t cost much more. Especially when it comes to graded wood, where prices are usually 10–20% higher, though this can change depending on where you buy it.
In the end, graded woods like C16 and C24 can be used outdoors. But they also need to be put under pressure. Just because they are graded doesn’t mean they can be used outside.The most important thing is to use wood that has been treated. Whether or not you choose high-quality wood depends on the job you are doing. Many jobs around the house and garden would be better done with more expensive wood. 세이브위드너즈 has a website where you can find out more.